- I have iPhone 4 with IOS 4.2.1 Stock officially from Apple
- I Jailbreak it using RedSnow 0.9.6b6 (yes I know, this is still tethered Jailbreak)
- I open the Cydia, after Jailbreak and "Just boot tethered only"
- Update Essential my Cydia
- I reboot my iPhone, and it succeed. I didn't get stuck @ apple logo.
- Then I need to install AppSync 4.2, so I run redsnow again and select "Just Boot Tethered only"
- I Open Cydia, and add hackulous repo
- Then I Install AppSync 4.2 from hackulous repo
- Then I sync some several apps from apptrackr.org that I have download it.
- And I reboot my iPhone (just want to test it, am I gonna stuck @ apple logo or not)
- And voila! yes I got stuck at apple logo :-( (damn!!!)
- So now I know the appsync 4.2 is causing this.
- I run redsnow again and select boot tethered only
- I open cydia and uninstall the AppSync 4.2 and reboot my iPhone again...and yeap! I didn't get stuck at apple logo.
So yes, Appsync is causing this...so its your call guys..whether you can be patient to wait for the real Untethered from Comex or P0sixninja, because the current untethered JB using redsnow 0.9.7 from MuscleNerd is can be done if and only if you have 4.2b3 SHSH blob saved in Saurik's server....if you don't have it then I think the patience option is the better one.
Or you can just tethered JB your iPhone but just make sure that when your travelling or far from your PC or Laptop, your iPhone is not run out of battery, your iPhone is not turn off, or you don't reboot your iPhone.
G'lak and have a try!!
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