- Jailbreak your iPhone or iPad
- install iPhoneFolder to your PC (download iphone folder here)
- connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC using USB Cable
- wait for about 5-10 seconds until your PC recognized your iDevices.
- Double klik iPhoneFolder shortcut from your desktop or you can also Open windows explorer and search iPhoneFolder from under "MyComputer" tree.
- Double click the iPhoneFolder Shortcut
- you will see your iPhone or iPad name in windows explorer, double click it
- go to folder: var\mobile\Library
- find folder named: SMS, AddressBook and Notes
- Copy *.sqllitedb from var\mobile\Library\AddressBook folder
- Copy sms.db from var\mobile\Library\SMS folder
- Copy notes.db and notes.idx from var\mobile\Library\Notes folder
- Copy those files into your local folder in your PC
- that's it done!, if you want to move it to your new iDevices just copy those 3 folders to the same folder path (var\mobile\Library\AddressBook; var\mobile\Library\SMS; var\mobile\Library\Notes) in your new iDevices (of course you need to JB first your new iDevices).
G'lak and have a try!!
wow sangat berguna man, thanks alooot