Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to Backup your iPhone/iPad Contact, Notes, SMS Manually

Ok, here are the steps:

  1. Jailbreak your iPhone or iPad
  2. install iPhoneFolder to your PC (download iphone folder here)
  3. connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC using USB Cable
  4. wait for about 5-10 seconds until your PC recognized your iDevices.
  5. Double klik iPhoneFolder shortcut from your desktop or you can also Open windows explorer and search iPhoneFolder from under "MyComputer" tree.
  6. Double click the iPhoneFolder Shortcut
  7. you will see your iPhone or iPad name in windows explorer, double click it
  8. go to folder: var\mobile\Library
  9. find folder named: SMS, AddressBook and Notes
  10. Copy *.sqllitedb from var\mobile\Library\AddressBook folder
  11. Copy sms.db from var\mobile\Library\SMS folder
  12. Copy notes.db and notes.idx from var\mobile\Library\Notes folder
  13. Copy those files into your local folder in your PC
  14. that's it done!, if you want to move it to your new iDevices just copy those 3 folders to the same folder path (var\mobile\Library\AddressBook; var\mobile\Library\SMS; var\mobile\Library\Notes) in your new iDevices (of course you need to JB first your new iDevices).
G'lak and have a try!!

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