Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Jailbreak & Unlock iPhone 3G

Last couple of days, my friend asked my help to Jailbreak and unlock his Boss iPhone 3G. So I think since this is her Boss iPhone iPhone, I will need to make sure that the Jailbreak and Unlock should be on already stabile states and free from buggy.

I think directly to restore it to 3.1.3, why not to IOS ? because i think iPhone 3G is not really recommended to run under IOS based on its slower processor and ram.

So, I am gonna write the steps on how to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3G using IOS 3.1.3 (because probably, you already forgot on how to do that....and that is what happened to me...forgot!! ;-) ).


  1. Make sure your iPhone 3G already saved SHSH blob in Cydia Server, if you don't know then no need to worries...just restore your iPhone 3G directly to 3.1.3
  2. Download the IOS 3.1.3 and IOS 3.1.2 (here is the link if you don't have those).
  3. Edit hosts file located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc (if you using windows) with notepad
  4. Add a line "". 
  5. Save and close the notepad.
  6. Connect your iPhone to iTunes ( I currently use iTunes 10)
  7. Hold shift and click restore
  8. Select the firmware file that you have download in step 2 located in your local PC Folder.
  9. wait until finish restore and usually it will show you the error code 1015, don't panic...close your iTunes leave the iPhone connected to your PC and go to and download tinyumbrella for windows (if u using windows).
  10. Open the tinyumbrella and select kick out of recovery, then wait your iPhone 3G finish booting.
  11. Download redsnow version 0.9.4 (if you don't have it, google it!)
  12. Open redsnow and click browse and choose IOS 3.1.2 (yes its 3.1.2 not 3.1.3 because redsnow 0.9.4 only work for 3.1.2, no need to worry this will me! :-) ).
  13. Wait until it successfully identified and hit Next.
  14. Choose Install Cydia only then hit Next.
  15. Make sure your iPhone connected to your PC, and turn it off (yes turn it off).
  16. Hit Next and follow the instruction written in Redsnow (prepare your finger to hold sleep, then hold the home button, and release the sleep button but keep your home button pressed)....bottom line just follow the instruction from redsnow.
  17. wait until its ready jailbreaking your iPhone 3G.


  1. Tap Cydia
  2. Update Essential
  3. Go to manage > sources > choose ultrasn0w repo
  4. select ultrasn0w and install it
  5. Boot your iPhone and voila! your iPhone is already unlocked.

G'lak and have a try!!

1 comment:

  1. Informative blog really helpful for those who are in need to unlock and jailbreak their iphone 3g from network lock ..However i got my iphone 3g unlocked from network lock with the help of providers like
    here they unlocked my iphone 3g using remote unlocking service for affordable cost ...
