Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to overcome Stuck Apple Logo after Jailbreak IOS 4.2.1 using RedSnow 0.9.6b6

Ok Guys, here is what I encountered:

  • I have iPhone 4 with IOS 4.2.1 Stock officially from Apple
  • I Jailbreak it using RedSnow 0.9.6b6 (yes I know, this is still tethered Jailbreak)
  • I open the Cydia, after Jailbreak and "Just boot tethered only"
  • Update Essential my Cydia
  • I reboot my iPhone, and it succeed. I didn't get stuck @ apple logo.
  • Then I need to install AppSync 4.2, so I run redsnow again and select "Just Boot Tethered only"
  • I Open Cydia, and add hackulous repo
  • Then I Install AppSync 4.2 from hackulous repo
  • Then I sync some several apps from that I have download it.
  • And I reboot my iPhone (just want to test it, am I gonna stuck @ apple logo or not)
  • And voila! yes I got stuck at apple logo :-( (damn!!!)
  • So now I know the appsync 4.2 is causing this.
  • I run redsnow again and select boot tethered only
  • I open cydia and uninstall the AppSync 4.2 and reboot my iPhone again...and yeap! I didn't get stuck at apple logo.
So yes, Appsync is causing its your call guys..whether you can be patient to wait for the real Untethered from Comex or P0sixninja, because the current untethered JB using redsnow 0.9.7 from MuscleNerd is can be done if and only if you have 4.2b3 SHSH blob saved in Saurik's server....if you don't have it then I think the patience option is the better one.

Or you can just tethered JB your iPhone but just make sure that when your travelling or far from your PC or Laptop, your iPhone is not run out of battery, your iPhone is not turn off, or you don't reboot your iPhone.

G'lak and have a try!!

iBooks 1.2 error bug on iPhone or iPad

There is a problem with the configuration of your iPhone. Please restore with itunes and reinstall iBooks.

I just received this error after I directly download a new ebook from appstore in my iPhone (see screenshot above). I currently using iBooks version 1.2, IOS 4.2.1 jailbroken by redsnow 0.9.6b6.

So here is what I do to overcome this: "I just click OK from that warning window, and I tap again the same book that I want to read, and if I encountered the same error warning window I re-click the OK button again. I do that several times until the warning window gone and the Book is opened."

So just be patient guy :-) and most of all, Apple should update this bug in their new version of iBooks.

G'lak and have a try!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to Fix Error 3194 when Restoring iPhone 4 Back to Stock IOS 4.2.1

Last night, I've been trying to restore my iPhone 4 back to Stock firmware IOS 4.2.1 after jailbreaking with Redsnow 0.9.6b6.

Why I want to restore it back to official state? because after I jailbreak and I installed SBSetting from CYDIA, everytime i boot my iPhone it always got stuck in apple logo and need to run redsnow 0.9.6b6 again (by choosing only: "just boot tethered right now" ) in order to make it normal. So based on that it is not so convenience for me and that's why i need to restore it back to official firmware.

Then, I Open iTunes and connect my iPhone 4 to iTunes and select restore.......after waiting for a while I got stuck in 3194 error :-( .

So the solution for this is just put your iPhone into DFU mode and restore back your iPhone using the stock IOS 4.2.1 and...voila! your iPhone 4 is now back to official condition :-).

G'lak and have a try!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Error 1013 when restore iPhone 4 to IOS 4.2.1 Official

Hi here's to overcome error 1013 when you restoring iPhone 4 using IOS 4.2.1 Official.

Ok, today I've been several times encountering error 1013 when I restore my iPhone 4 to IOS 4.2.1 official from iTunes :-(.

I've tried restore mode (itunes + usb icon in my iPhone) and also DFU Mode, still no result.....then I just remember that I've done some jailbreaking process in my laptop with my 3GS and guess what the host file that reside in this folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc still use the saurik's server. So I modify the file from this: into this: #

save the file and restart my laptop, and I restore it again and voila!!! it works!! my iPhone 4 successfully restored to IOS 4.2.1 official :-).

This is new I think, usually using 3GS i don't need to change the hosts file and it is successfully restored to official IOS. Well i think this is a new filter that apple use in their new iDevices.

G'lak and have a try!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Unlock iPhone 3G without wifi on IOS 4.2.1

Hi Guys, here are the steps that I want to share regarding on how to unlock your iPhone 3G without wifi.

  1. Update/Restore your iPhone 3G to IOS 4.2.1
  2. Jailbreak your iPhone3G (detail steps are here)
  3. Install PC Suite into your PC (download PC Suite click here)
  4. Download the needed file from here (ultrasnow1.2, mobilesubstrate, and afc2add), extract it to your local folder in your computer.
  5. After you succesfully jailbroken your iPhone then connect your iPhone into PC and open PC Suite.
  6. Follow the instruction from PC Suite, usually it will need to install Panda Daemon in your iPhone just click yes and wait for the installation to be finished.
  7. After finished, restart your iPhone
  8. And go back to PC Suite and select System Tab - choose Files (2x click it)
  9. Go to folder var\root\Media
  10. Create new folder: Cydia (case sensitive) and set permission to 777
  11. Go to Cydia Folder you've just created and create New folder again named: AutoInstall (case sensitive) and set permission to 777
  12. inside AutoInstall copy the 3 files that you've extracted from step 4. In order to copy to PC suite, just select "upload file" from the paper+ icon on the up left corner.
  13. Set all the permission to 777
  14. wait until finish uploading.
  15. after finish exit from PC Suite and then restart your iPhone twice! yes....twice!
  16. and wait until your iphone searching your desired network provider. (If showing no service just go to setting - carrier - and select manually your desired provider).
  17. Voila!! that's it your iPhone its now UNLOCKED!! :-)

G'lak!, have a try!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Install Sygic Mobile Map 10 v8.15 with Indonesia Map to your GPS Module

Ok guys, this is how to upload your Sygic Mobile Map 10 v8.15 into your GPS Module that run under Windows CE.

  1. Download the needed file from here.
  2. Extract the file to your local PC (if you are using winzip don't forget to tick the "use folder names" option when you extract it)
  3. Copy the Sygic_8_15_PNA folder into your SD Card root folder in your GPS Module.
  4. Wait until finish, then run the sygic by 2x click drive.exe from this folder: Sygic_8_15_PNA\Drive\WindowsCE
  5. Choose SMM10 Indonesia map it will showing the activation window. Choose activate and select manual activation. It will give you the device ID.......then leave it like that.
  6. Go to your PC again and run SygicKG.exe from this path: Sygic_8_15_PNA\_KEYGEN_
  7. Choose MLM file from your local pc folder: Sygic_8_15_PNA\maps and select "SMM10 Indonesia.mlm"
  8. Enter your Device ID that shown from your GPS Module (step 5).
  9. Click Generate
  10. Go to your GPS Module again and click activate.
  11. Type the serial number that shown in SygicKG.exe into your GPS module.
  12. Voila!! the INdonesia map has been activated successfully :-).
That's it, by the way you can download the other region map from here (you need to register first worries its free :-) ).

Just make sure when you creating the MLM file please create using one of the below templates:

if you are using the sygic 8.x map then use below template:
[PRODUCT:Drive10 Europe]
name=Drive10 Europe

if you are using the sygic 7.x map then use below template:
[PRODUCT:Drive10 Europe]
name=Drive10 Europe

G'lak and have a try!! feel free to comment!! :-)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to Jailbreak, Activate Officially, and Unlock your iPhone 3G in IOS 4.2.1

Ok this is how you do it:

Read step 11 first!!!

  1. Download IOS 4.2.1 firmware for your iPhone 3G here
  2. Download redsnow 0.9.6b6 here: windows mac
  3. Open your iTunes and connect your iPhone via USB to your PC
  4. Restore your iPhone 3G by clicking the shift button (windows) and click restore.
  5. Select the file that you have download in the step 1
  6. Wait for restoring process until finished
  7. After it finished, close your iTunes
  8. Open redsnow.exe from the file that you have download in step 2.
  9. Step 1 in Redsnow: browse the IPSW file that same as in step 1 or 5. Hit Next
  10. Select Install Cydia, and install iPad BaseBand (this two option is a "must" checked option) for the rest is an optional if you don't know what those option are, just leave it unchecked.
  11. If the warning window emerged when you checked the install iPad Baseband then read it carefully. If you agree and aware of the consequences press Yes, and if you don't agree and don't want to continue, click NO and close the redsnow hence you can not JB, Unlock and activate officially your iPhone.
  12. If you want to continue after hit Yes, then hit Next.
  13. Follow the instructions from redsnow, and wait until Jailbreak process finished.
  14. After it finished, unplug your iPhone from your PC and tap cydia to open.
  15. Open Cydia - select user - upgrade essential.
  16. Open Cydia again - manage - source - edit - add -  
  17. Wait until finished, after it finished adding bingner's repo, tap manage-source-tap bingner's repo and install both SAM and SAM Prefs.
  18. After it finished, restart your iPhone and connect again to your PC via USB cable.
  19. If the iTunes automatically open, closed it.
  20. Open Redsnow 0.9.6b6 again follow the instruction as in step 8&9.
  21. Then now select only "Deactivate" and hit next.
  22. follow the instructions from Redsnow (DFU mode: as usual)
  23. Wait until finished
  24. After it finished unplug your iPhone from your PC
  25. from your iPhone Go to Setting - SAM - and tap: de-activate iphone
  26. after that restart your iPhone
  27. Open your iTunes and plugged your iPhone to your PC.
  28. Wait until iTunes officially acitvate your iPhone
  29. After it activated, go to cydia and tap manage - sources- and tap ultran0w repo and install ultrasn0w 1.2
  30. After it finished, restart your iPhone.
  31. Done! now your iPhone is Jailbroken, officially activated, and unlock :-)

G'lak!! have a try!!

How to Backup your iPhone/iPad Contact, Notes, SMS Manually

Ok, here are the steps:

  1. Jailbreak your iPhone or iPad
  2. install iPhoneFolder to your PC (download iphone folder here)
  3. connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC using USB Cable
  4. wait for about 5-10 seconds until your PC recognized your iDevices.
  5. Double klik iPhoneFolder shortcut from your desktop or you can also Open windows explorer and search iPhoneFolder from under "MyComputer" tree.
  6. Double click the iPhoneFolder Shortcut
  7. you will see your iPhone or iPad name in windows explorer, double click it
  8. go to folder: var\mobile\Library
  9. find folder named: SMS, AddressBook and Notes
  10. Copy *.sqllitedb from var\mobile\Library\AddressBook folder
  11. Copy sms.db from var\mobile\Library\SMS folder
  12. Copy notes.db and notes.idx from var\mobile\Library\Notes folder
  13. Copy those files into your local folder in your PC
  14. that's it done!, if you want to move it to your new iDevices just copy those 3 folders to the same folder path (var\mobile\Library\AddressBook; var\mobile\Library\SMS; var\mobile\Library\Notes) in your new iDevices (of course you need to JB first your new iDevices).
G'lak and have a try!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to Install Cracked apps in iPad directly from your USB Flash Drive

As stated in the title here are the steps:

  1. Make sure your iPad is Jailbreak (JB).
  2. Make sure after you JB your iPad, install installous from cydia - repo:
  3. install iFile from cydia - repo:
  4. Make sure you already have Camera Connection Kit as an additional accessories for your iPad
  5. download your preferred cracked apps from apptrackr or pandaapp or igui and copy all the ipa files that you have download to your USB flash drive.
  6. then connect your usb flash drive to your ipad using camera connection kit (the one that have usb port).
  7. Dismiss all the warning sign after you plug the usb flash drive to your ipad.
  8. Tap iFile, and position your iPad to the horizontal position.
  9. you will see on the left frame "Flash Drive", tap it and you will see the ipa files that you have saved in your usb flash drive.
  10. Tap edit, and select all the ipa files that you want to copy (by tapping the radio button on the left side of each file names).
  11. then tap the bottom right icon (icon box with the right arrow)  and select copy/link. Wait until finish and tap done.
  12. still in iFile, now go to folder var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads by selecting device first and choose the appropriate folder path as above.
  13. Tap Edit, and select the same icon as in step 11 and choose Paste. Wait until finish.
  14. Close the iFile and plug out your usb flash drive.
  15. Now tap Installous and select download, you will see the list of apps that you have copy from your flash drive to iPad.
  16. Select the apps by tapping it and choose install, do the same for all apps that you have donwload.
  17. Done...there you go you have all cracked apps and install it directly from your USB Flash Drive :) and you don't need iTunes to do this. :-)
G'lak, have a try!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How long does it take to Ship an iPad from San Fransisco-US to Jakarta-Indonesia?

Ok, this is actually for my personal reference. I often buy electronics from ebay such as blackberry, iPhone, psp, and also couple of action figures :-)...well you can't blame that "in every man soul lies a  boy spirit" :-P.

Last month I bought an iPad (16GB 3GS) for about 650 USD (item= 600USD and shipping cost is around 50USD) using the USPS Priority Mail Service. Well, to be honest I would recommend to all of you that you better use USPS Mail Service besides the price is fair, the shipping time is also reliable. See below picture for my iPad shipped to Jakarta from San Fransisco.

It took 5 days from San Fransisco to Jakarta so I think its fair and acceptable... :-).

Feel free to comment though :).

PS: For US Priority Mail usually sent with the tracking number with "C" as the first character.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Jailbreak & Unlock iPhone 3G

Last couple of days, my friend asked my help to Jailbreak and unlock his Boss iPhone 3G. So I think since this is her Boss iPhone iPhone, I will need to make sure that the Jailbreak and Unlock should be on already stabile states and free from buggy.

I think directly to restore it to 3.1.3, why not to IOS ? because i think iPhone 3G is not really recommended to run under IOS based on its slower processor and ram.

So, I am gonna write the steps on how to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3G using IOS 3.1.3 (because probably, you already forgot on how to do that....and that is what happened to me...forgot!! ;-) ).


  1. Make sure your iPhone 3G already saved SHSH blob in Cydia Server, if you don't know then no need to worries...just restore your iPhone 3G directly to 3.1.3
  2. Download the IOS 3.1.3 and IOS 3.1.2 (here is the link if you don't have those).
  3. Edit hosts file located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc (if you using windows) with notepad
  4. Add a line "". 
  5. Save and close the notepad.
  6. Connect your iPhone to iTunes ( I currently use iTunes 10)
  7. Hold shift and click restore
  8. Select the firmware file that you have download in step 2 located in your local PC Folder.
  9. wait until finish restore and usually it will show you the error code 1015, don't panic...close your iTunes leave the iPhone connected to your PC and go to and download tinyumbrella for windows (if u using windows).
  10. Open the tinyumbrella and select kick out of recovery, then wait your iPhone 3G finish booting.
  11. Download redsnow version 0.9.4 (if you don't have it, google it!)
  12. Open redsnow and click browse and choose IOS 3.1.2 (yes its 3.1.2 not 3.1.3 because redsnow 0.9.4 only work for 3.1.2, no need to worry this will me! :-) ).
  13. Wait until it successfully identified and hit Next.
  14. Choose Install Cydia only then hit Next.
  15. Make sure your iPhone connected to your PC, and turn it off (yes turn it off).
  16. Hit Next and follow the instruction written in Redsnow (prepare your finger to hold sleep, then hold the home button, and release the sleep button but keep your home button pressed)....bottom line just follow the instruction from redsnow.
  17. wait until its ready jailbreaking your iPhone 3G.


  1. Tap Cydia
  2. Update Essential
  3. Go to manage > sources > choose ultrasn0w repo
  4. select ultrasn0w and install it
  5. Boot your iPhone and voila! your iPhone is already unlocked.

G'lak and have a try!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why I choose iPhone IOS over Android...?

I just got a tweet from @sergiomacfly (the creator of iPhodroid) who give me the link of this interesting comparison between iPhone vs Android....which I personally think is quite true....but there is something that I would questioned about...that is:

  • Free Turn-by-Turn Navigation --> I would give the iPhone a point because of we have installous and (Power of JB Community).  :)
  • Battery Life --> well i will need to prove more on this, since after IOS 4 the battery life in iPhone is worst than the previous iPhone OS.

Additional one point from me which I personally think is the main one is that: I would give point for iPhone over Android for the cracked Apps that grow up by the iPhone community itself :) :). Yeaaayy iPhone!!! (at least up until today) :)....

Well that is my personal oppinion, you guys free to comment :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

BuzzPlayer vs OPlayer Ipad Apps, which one I prefer...

The case is like this: I have video file (*.avi) with resolution 1280x720 with the file size around 200-250 MB and I want to play it in iPad.

BuzzPlayer and OPlayer can run most of video types without having to convert to mp4 or m4v types (as itunes friendly format).

First, I played it using BuzzPlayer and try it. The result was quite flaky, the video ran not so smooth and creating bad resolution with a lot of "noise" in the picture. As if you see a broken video and not thehoo HD video.
So i will give " :( " for BuzzPlayer.

Then, I tested using OPlayer with the same video file....and voila!!! The result is significantly better then BuzzPlayer! The picture was not flaky and the video ran smoothly. Overall OPlayer is much better than the BuzzPlayer.

So far I choose OPlayer than BuzzPlayer for playing HD video with any format with size less than 500MB.

Have a try!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Buzz Player Apps: How to transfer files manually without using iTunes Sync

Ok, yesterday I've been playing around with my iPad and installed the Buzz Player HD, personally I think this is a good Video Player for your iPad and overall it can run the *.mkv files so there you go you can see the HD Video from your iPad without have to convert the mkv file to the mp4 first.

But when I want to transfer the file from my friend PC into my iPad, i encountered a problem. I already have so much apps, photo, and video in my iPad so if I want to sync the file via my friends iTunes then I will need to sync all my current apps/photo/video into my friends PC...err if that's the one that I need to do then it will doomed me since I have so many private photos and videos that i keep it secretly hehehehehe *devils laugh*

So I come out with the solution as below, how to transfer your video file directly to Buzz Player HD apps in your iPad. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure you already jailbreak your iPad and installed the iFile from Cydia - sinfuliphone repo
  2. open iFile and go to settings
  3. in the settings window please set "ON" the Application Names
  4. after that browse to var\mobile\Applications\BuzzPlayer 
  5. please make a note the Hexadecimal of the BuzzPlayer folder names (for example : 0FBA32.....)
  6. Now install the iphone folder in the PC
  7. After install the iphone folder, connect your iPad into the PC using USB cable
  8. and then browse your iPad using iphone folder and go to folder var\mobile\Applications
  9. and select the appropriate folder (remember: it is using the hexadecimal names so you need to make sure the name in step 5 is the same with what you have select it to browse)
  10. And then inside that folder you will find the Document Folder
  11. There!! transfer the video file that you want to play in your iPad to that Document Folder
  12. Once its done, open your Buzz Player HD and you will notice the file is already there and ready to be played :)

G'lak!! Have a try!

How to use iPad to access your Flash Drive

As stated on the title, please follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure your iPad its already jailbroken and you already buy the iPad Camera Connection Kit accessory.
  2. Open Cydia and go to manage - sources - edit - add
  3. type: and tap done
  4. wait until Cydia finished adding the repo
  5. after its done, go to search and type iFile cracked and make sure that the repo comes from the sinfuliphonerepo
  6. Choose iFile Cracked and install it, wait until finished.
  7. Once it finished exit from cydia
  8. Plug your iPad Camera Connection Kit (the one that has the USB port) into your iPad
  9. Plug your Flash Drive into the Camera Connection Kit
  10. Wait for couple of seconds until iPad give you warning signs that stated your flash drive can not be use...just ignore that by tapping the dismiss button.
  11. Then open your iFile and put your iPad in landscape mode
  12. you will see the left frame: "Flash Drive" tap that and in your right frame you will see all of your files that you saved in your flash drive.
  13. That's it done! you can choose any file that you want in Flash Drive to be used in your iPad.

G'lak! Have a try! :)